22 January, 2019

Working Towards a Hemisphere of Freedom: Connecting Democratic Leaders in Cuba, Nicaragua, and Venezuela

Authoritarian regimes in Cuba, Nicaragua, and Venezuela have led to sociopolitical turmoil, economic disruptions, and human rights abuses. From March 2017 to June 2018, over 800,000 Venezuelans fled to Colombia amid political and economic chaos in Caracas. In Costa Rica, nearly 8,000 asylum claims from Nicaraguans were registered between April and July 2018. As many as 23 percent of all Cubans in the U.S. arrived within the last 8 years. These countries are considered three of the four least “free” […]
22 January, 2019

Orlan Fernandez sentenced to 2 years in prison for promoting Cuba Decide

Orlan Fernández, 41, activist of #UNPACU and #CubaDecide promoter sentenced to 2 years in prison for promoting #Cuba #PlebiscitoVinculante @AmnistiaOnline @CUBADECIDE Orlan Fernández de 41 años, activista de #UNPACU y promotor de #CubaDecide condenado a 2 años de prisión por promover en #Cuba la realización de un #PlebiscitoVinculante @AmnistiaOnline@CUBADECIDE — Katerine Mojena (@KataCuba) November 27, 2018 Source: Katerine Mojena @KataCuba
22 January, 2019

IDEA The State of Democracy in Latin America

The conference is organized by ECLAC and International IDEA and will be held at the commission’s headquarters in Santiago, Chile, from November 26 to 28. En @JuventudLAC y @JuventudLAC_CL conversamos sobre #EstadoDemocraciaAL con @Laura_Ch @Lacalle_2009 @TomasGuanipa @juanvargasv Entre las conclusiones: necesidad d coincidencia entre la movilización ciudadana y acción d la comunidad internacional para enfrentar dictaduras en AL. — Rosa María Payá A. (@RosaMariaPaya) November 27, 2018 The ex presidents of Chile Ricardo Lagos, Costa Rica, Laura Chinchilla and […]
22 January, 2019

Rosa María Payá denounces intimidation of the Cuban regime at an event in Chile

In a message posted on her Twitter account, the Cuban opposition leader denounces that the island’s regime “arrives at the ridicule of sending its ambassador in #Chile to try to intimidate” the organizers of an event on democracy. El régimen de #LaHabana llega al ridículo de mandar a su embajador en #Chile a intentar intimidar al Dir. de @FLACSOCHILEORG para impedirme participar en el evento: #EstadoDemocraciaAL organizado x @Int_IDEA Andan asustados los represores cubanos… miedo a la verdad#CubaDecide — […]