We demand for Cuba the free exercise of economic, social, cultural, civil and political rights for the Cuban people.

Everyone has the right to life, freedom of thought, expression,
rally and meeting. We call on the international community to
to act in defense of human rights in Cuba.
Parliamentarians from Europe and the Americas meet in DC in support of democracy in Cuba

Legislators from the United States, the European Parliament and the congresses of Europe, Latin America and Canada held the second Transatlantic Forum for a Free Cuba with the participation of various opposition organizations and civil society on the island and in exile.
Parliamentarians from Europe, the United States and Canada found a forum to denounce the illegitimacy of the Cuban regime, demand the release of political prisoners, among other measures.

This Saturday, November 20, legislators from the European Parliament and the congresses of Spain, the Netherlands, Canada and the United States founded the Transatlantic Forum for a Free Cuba with the participation of many organizations from civil society, the opposition and the Cuban exile community.
Statements of Participants

Vice President of European Parliament
Dita Charanzova
“We can see more clearly who the EU’s allies are, and Cuba chose to side with a war criminal: Vladimir Putin”

Congressman | Spain
Víctor González Coello
“With this list that they have provided us of judges and prosecutors and of the elite military of the dictatorship, I hope that we can begin to search for the properties of these people and freeze their assets”

Senator | United States
Rick Scott
“We need to treat Diaz-Canel and the Castros like the thugs they are”

“Public platforms to advocate for the aforementioned action points, as well as promote them through bills and resolutions in the legislative chambers”
Nicole Malliotakis
Congresswoman | United States
“The Cuban medical brigades have been branded as human trafficking by the State Department. We will be vigilant that Mexico adheres to the USMCA free trade agreement”
María Elvira Salazar
Congresswoman | United States

"Morales and his puppet government are absolutely and firmly aligned with the global interests of not only the dictator of Cuba, but they are with the Russians, the Iranians, the Venezuelan regime and also the Chinese Communist Party"
José Ormachea
Congressman | Bolivia

"Today Cuba is not free. Today Cuba is not a democracy, it is a dictatorship. In Cuba there are no political rights, there is no freedom of expression, instead there are a thousand political prisoners. Be repetitive... never stop calling this for what it is"
José Ramón Bauzá
Member of European Parliament
“We must denounce all the links between Cuba and Russia, therefore, extending all the sanctions that we are applying to Russia against also its allies, especially Cuba, Cuba must suffer the same sanctions as its partners”
Pablo Hispán
Congressman | Spain

"Nobody expected that Venezuela would end as badly as Cuba, or even worse, nobody expected that Nicaragua would actually end the same way...so the truth is that we are failing as an international community right now to have effective tools to protect people."
Felipe Kast
Senator | Chile

Member of European Parliament
Hermann Tertsch
“Cuba is the head of a global group, of an entire organization that is causing so much suffering, creating so many problems in democracies, and is supporting the growing dictatorships and authoritarian regimes in the subcontinent”

Senator | Canada
Leo Housakos
“If we turn our backs on the Cuban people and do not show international solidarity, democracy will not be possible… Canada must be consistent in defending human rights and democracy in the world and end repression”

Congressman | Spain
Iván Espinosa de los Monteros
“The Cuban regime goes far beyond its own borders… Cuba is the umbrella… it would not be enough if it is not coherent, if the same measures are not taken for countries that continue to violate rights. We must end the repression, listen to the voice of the Cuban people”

Congressman | United States
Mario Díaz Balart
“We hear about the influence of the Cuban regime in Latin America, about the strong ties of the Cuban regime with Russia… This is not the time to give legitimacy to the regime in Cuba, it is not the time to relax the sanctions against the regime, it is the time to do the opposite ”.

Senator | Colombia
Paola Holguín
“One of the great conquests of humanity has been freedom, democracy and human rights. We are very concerned about the often ineffectiveness of the so-called international community to safeguard these fundamental values”

Victims of Communism
Andrew Bremberg
“In Cuba there are more than a thousand political prisoners, most of them are prisoners of conscience, people who have been imprisoned for peacefully expressing their political or religious beliefs, their artistic expression, without advocating violence.”