10 julio, 2018

Cuba Decide hace a los Estados Miembros de la Organización de Estados Americanos en el marco de la Asamblea General de la OEA

Con Cuba Decide como fondo se realizó el evento paralelo a la Asamblea General de La OEA en el que participaron cubanos, venezolanos y nicaragüenses. Junto a representantes de la Secretaria General de La OEA, el embajador ante la OEA de los Estados Unidos, Carlos Trujillo y miembros de otras delegaciones. Las promotoras de Cuba Decide, Lietis Rachel Reyes y Rosa María Payá hicieron intervenciones sobre la situación de los derechos humanos en la Isla y el rol que debe […]
10 julio, 2018

Delivery of Public Leadership and Commitment Honor Medal to Rosa María Payá

Carlos Williamson Benaprés, rector of San Sebastian University announced the recognition ceremony with the Medal of Honor of Leadership and Public Commitment, which the Leadership School of our House of Studies has awarded Rosa María Payá, for the notorious example of service public, selfless work for the most needy, and the deep commitment to promote freedom and democracy in Cuba, Latin America and the world. The Vice-Rector for Student Development, Magdalena Vicuña Undurraga, presented her distinction to this recognition on […]
9 julio, 2018

Diaz-Canel‘s Castroism increases political prisoners in Cuba

A wave of repression shakes the Island with the arrival of Diaz-Canel, in an effort to face the growth of the Cuba Decide Campaign among Cuban citizens. Aymara Nieto mother of three girls remains in prison without charge, after a brutal beating. In the early hours of May 6 Aymara was assaulted at her house and beaten by of agents of the political police. Aymara is a promoter of the Cuba Decide Campaign and a member of UNPACU and the […]
9 julio, 2018

En el castrismo de Diaz-Canel aumentan los prisioneros políticos.

Una oleada de represión estremece la Isla con la llegada de Díaz-Canel ante el crecimiento de la Campaña Cuba Decide entre los ciudadanos cubanos. Aymara Nieto madre de tres niñas permanece en prisión sin cargos, luego de una brutal golpiza que recibiera en la madrugada del 6 de Mayo a manos de agentes de la policía política. Aymara es promotora de la Campaña Cuba Decide, miembro de UNPACU y del movimiento Damas de Blanco. Dos de sus compañeras, las damas, […]
9 julio, 2018

The claim of Cuba Decide is heard in the Hemispheric Dialogue at the Summit of the Americas

Dozens of Cuban government agents forced the temporary shutdown of the civil society hemispheric forum at the Summit of the Americas on Thursday by shouting over all the speakers from all over the Americas. The incident is an example of the climate of violence that the regime has brought to the event to prevent the Cuban independent civil society to speak. Rosa Maria Payá was one of the speakers, leading one of the coalitions of the civil society forum and […]
2 julio, 2018

Promotores de Cuba Decide denuncian que Cuba se “burla” del examen D.Humanos de la ONU

Lietis Rachel y Ariadna Mena, promotoras de Cuba Decide viajaron desde la Isla a Ginebra para denunciar al régimen cubano ante los estados miembros del Consejo de Derechos Humanos de Naciones Unidas. Activistas de la campaña de diferentes organizaciones y lugares de residencia coincidieron en el Palacio de las Naciones junto a Rosa María Payá para hacer recomendaciones en el proceso de revision periódica universal al que se sometió la dictadura cubana en la ONU. Ginebra, 16 may (EFE).- Rosa […]
2 julio, 2018

Cuba rights abuses, activist repression under fire at UN

Lietis Rachel Reyes and Ariadna Mena, promoters of Cuba Decide traveled from the Island to Geneva to denounce the Cuban regime before the member states of the Human Rights Council of the United Nations. Activists of the campaign of different organizations and places of residence agreed at the Palais des Nations to make recommendations in the process of universal periodic review to which the Cuban dictatorship in the UN submitted. GENEVA, Switzerland (AFP) — Cuba faced harsh criticism at a […]
2 julio, 2018

Latin America leaders urge summit participants to reject Cuba’s next handpicked ruler

LIMA, PERU Former Latin American presidents on Wednesday urged participants in the upcoming VIII Summit of the Americas to reject the new Cuban government scheduled to take power next week. The former leaders of Costa Rica, Miguel Ángel Rodríguez, and of Bolivia, Jorge Quiroga, issued the statement on behalf of the 37 former heads of state and government that are part of the Democratic Initiative in Spain and the Americas. They urged summit participants to “reject the presidential elections called […]
2 julio, 2018

Governor Rick Scott to Secretary of State Pompeo: Focus on Latin America

Rosa Maria Paya asked Rick Scott for support for the right to decide of the Cuban people in plebiscite and to not recognizing Miguel Diaz-Canel as president of Cuba because he was not elected by the Cuban’ people. The meeting took place this April 22 along with members of the opposition  and of the Cuban and Venezuelan communities on the occasion of Antonio Ledezma’s visit to Miami. Today, Governor Rick Scott sent the following letter to U.S. Secretary of State […]