#CubaPaLaCalle #PayáVive

#CubaPaLaCalle #PayáVive
15 July, 2022
Cuba Decide , Se Humano , y Justicia, Encuentro y Perdón , en coordinación con la Fundación Panamericana para el Desarrollo (FUPAD) , lo invitan a un Evento Paralelo al 77° período de sesiones de la Asamblea General de la ONU titulado “Retratos Humanos: Historias de Presos Políticos en Cuba, Nicaragua y Venezuela”.
13 September, 2022

Cuba. July 15 | Last night hundreds of Cubans protested peacefully in Los Palacios, Pinar del Río and at least two locations in Havana, shouting “Homeland and Life”, “Down with the dictatorship!”… The protest in Los Palacios originated on the occasion of a blackout that lasted several hours, after months of systematic power outages.

Promoters of Cuba Decide on the ground reported internet outages and a large police and military presence. The regime reacted to the protest by completely cutting off internet connection in Los Palacios and the rest of the country and mobilizing its paramilitary forces known as rapid response brigades and military forces. This morning we received reports that the police are going house by house visiting the residents of Los Palacios.

UPDATE: We’ve received reports pointing out that Ángel Luis López Placencia, the young man that streamed live from the demonstration last night in Los Palacios, is missing. The videos have been deleted from his Facebook profile.

The live broadcasts of the protests caused the regime to temporarily cut the connection throughout the Island, as this graphic from the Internet Outage Alerts project shows. The connection at this moment is very unstable, which makes communication practically difficult. At this time there are many Cuban men and women who have not found out what happened last night in Los Palacios and Havana.

The political police also showed up at the houses of some activists to prevent them from going out into the streets.The Cuban people in the street are protesting PEACEFULLY, among them promoters of Cuba Decide. Our network on the ground reports and amplifies the voice of protesters and denounces violations and abuses.We denounce the state terrorism applied every day against the citizenry under the orders of the Castro and Diaz-Canel family to prevent the peaceful demonstration of the Cuban people in favor of changing the system towards democracy.