The totalitarian regime that rules in Cuba has violated a host of fundamental rights and freedoms for 62 years. Although there is plenty of data that show the seriousness of the matter, it is difficult to know precisely the number of victims and crimes. The lack of freedom of expression in Cuba does not allow the general public to fully understand this reality, nor does it allow a clear picture of the economic decline that prevails on the island.
How does the regime control people? How do they know there is some type of dissident organization that seeks to change the situation in Cuba? How do they prevent opposition voices from rising? How do they get a good part of the population to believe the story established by a totalitarian state? How do they ensure that the failures of their regime do not become relevant? The continuation and maintenance of the dictatorship established by Fidel Castro is due, to a great extent, to the lack of freedom of expression, the censorship of media and social networks.
Traditional media, such as television, radio or newspapers exist, just as any other place in the world, however it is deemed official media of the regime. Private media is not allowed; You cannot be a journalist if you are not affiliated with the Union of Journalists of Cuba (UPEC), which responds directly to the Communist Party.
The State has a monopoly on communication services and the Internet; those who speak out against the regime on the networks are persecuted. They decide what social network or site can be accessed through the internet, what can be read, heard or seen in the media.
The seriousness of the matter can be further reiterated per the fact that few are able to access mobile devices and internet connections; it was not until 2018 that 3G technology arrived in Cuba, which is accessed by less than a third of the population. In short, not only is there strict control over what can circulate in the media and dedicated intelligence apparatus that can persecute those who manage to express themselves, but also poverty and lack of resources are rampant, depriving many from accessing more information and understanding the full scope if their inhumane reality.
Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights reads: “Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.” Although Cuba is a signatory of the declaration, the regime has followed the opposite path.
From Cuba Decide we encourage a change in the political system, which allows us Cubans to have a truly democratic regime, in which our rights and freedom of expression and association are guaranteed and are the pillars for the progress of our country.
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