The Cuban regime confronts Rosa María Payá over the request for expulsion from the UN Human Rights Council

El régimen cubano enfrenta a Rosa María Payá ante petición de expulsión del Consejo de DDHH de la ONU
26 March, 2024
Julian Manuel Mazola Beltrán (24 años)
4 June, 2024

This Tuesday, Rosa María Payá requested before the United Nations Human Rights Council the expulsion of the Cuban regime.

The founder of the citizen initiative Cuba Decide, which promotes a change of system to democracy on the island, addressed the member states at the review session of the Cuban state before the United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva, Switzerland.

Rosa María echoed the demand for freedom that resonates in the peaceful protests on the streets of Cuba. The head of the Cuban regime’s delegation reacted in the room by offending Rosa María and UN Watch, the organization that granted her the floor.

In her intervention, Rosa María denounced the extrajudicial executions perpetrated by the regime, such as the murder of Oswaldo Payá and the imprisonment of more than 1000 Cubans for political reasons, including the critical situation of José Daniel Ferrer. Likewise, she denounced the alliance between the Cuban dictatorship and Putin’s regime in the war of aggression against Ukraine.

“We urge this Council to demand that Cuban leaders submit to the sovereign will of the citizens. To that end, we urge the international community to demand that Cuba release political prisoners and respect all electoral guarantees and fundamental human rights with the aim of conducting a binding plebiscite to change the system and initiate the transition to democracy.

Mr. President, it is time to stand with the Cuban people and expel their dictatorship from this council,” Rosa María Payá concluded.