The IACHR publicly condemns the harassment and persecution against activists in Cuba

La CIDH se pronuncia y condena el hostigamiento y la persecución contra activistas en Cuba
15 October, 2020
Rosa María Payá participa en el foro “Libertad de conciencia y lucha democrática” en apoyo a la libertad del preso político en Venezuela, Juan Requesens
15 October, 2020

Over the last quarter we have been recording the various arbitrary arrests, acts of repudiation, human rights violations and other incidents, including all those arrested on, or leading up to, the Sunflower Revolution peaceful protests on September 8th, through our Center for Citizens Reports. All these records have been sent to the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights which has resulted in several public denunciations via Twitter from the IACHR as well as the Commissioner of the IACHR, Stuardo Ralon.