«La noche no será eterna» is published, an unpublished book by Oswaldo Payá

Se publica «La noche no será eterna», un libro inédito de Oswaldo Payá
21 enero, 2019
Cubanos en Miami honran memoria de Payá a seis años de su muerte
21 enero, 2019

With the title of "La noche no será eterna" an unpublished book by the late Cuban opposition Oswaldo Payá with proposals for Cubans to leave their situation will go on sale in Amazon this July 5, before its presentation in Miami.

With the title of «La noche no será eterna» an unpublished book by the late Cuban opposition Oswaldo Payá with proposals for Cubans to leave their situation will go on sale in Amazon this July 5, before its presentation in Miami.

Rosa María Payá, daughter of the dissident who died in 2012, told Efe that on July 25 the book will be presented in the Varela room of the Ermita de la Caridad, the place where the Cuban exile received her father in 2002, after of receiving the Sakharov prize.

The book is subtitled «dangers and hopes for Cuba», is prefaced by the widow of Payá, Ofelia Acevedo, and its purpose is none other than, as the author explains, «help discover that we can live the process of liberation and reconciliation and walk to the future in peace. »

«In this book my father reflects on how and why Cubans have reached this point in history and how we can get out,» says Rosa María Payá, leader of the Cuba Decide movement that promotes the celebration of a plebiscite so that the people Cuban can decide what political system he wants for his country.

«A release process is possible,» says the opposition about what her father left written before being «murdered», according to his words.

The family of Payá, founder of the Christian Liberation Movement in 1988, affirms that the automobile accident in which he and the dissident Harold Cepero died on July 22, 2012 was provoked by agents of the Castro regime.

Rosa Maria Paya says that year her father asked his mother and her to remind him that he had to make time for the book that is now going to go to the market, 282 pages, including after the epilogue the political documents most important that he was also the organizer of the Varela Project.

The message of «La noche no será eterna» is now even more valid than when it was written, says the author’s daughter, for whom reading this book is like listening to his father talking.

Payá begins by explaining his «intention» in writing this book, in which he reflects, among other things, on «dechristianization», «the culture of fear» and «assault on the family», but also education, economics, of corruption, social classes and the «hour of change» in Cuba.

The last part is dedicated to reconciliation. The epilogue is significantly entitled «You have to dream».

In the prologue, Ofelia Acevedo says that Oswaldo Payá enjoyed his work as an engineer specialized in electromedicine, but his «true vocation» was «the incessant search for peaceful ways that would allow Cubans to conquer the fundamental rights that have been denied us by the Castro’s dictatorship «.

«Hence the strength of his leadership, which conveyed confidence, security and optimism to those who listened to him, giving them new hope,» says his widow.

Acevedo stresses that in this book Oswaldo Paya invites «to look to the future with confidence, to keep that hope alive, and realize that we can get out of ourselves from the marasmus where the Cuban dictatorship wants to see us sunk».

Source: EFE