Hundreds of people join the vigil against «repression» in Latin America

Centenar de personas se unen a la vigilia contra «represión» en Latinoamérica
21 enero, 2019
La opositora cubana Rosa María Payá nominada para el Premio de los Derechos Humanos: Václav Havel
21 enero, 2019



A hundred people participated today in Miami in a vigil for the victims of repression in Cuba, Venezuela, Bolivia and Nicaragua, in an initiative similar to those held this weekend in twenty cities in America and Europe.

Participation in the Vigil Diverse groups of the Cuban, Venezuelan and Nicaraguan diaspora in Miami, such as the Cuban Democratic Movement group, the Director Ramón Saúl Sánchez, and the Venezuelan Persecuted Political Organization in Exile (Veppex), headed by its president, Jose Antonio hill

At the ceremony, held at the premises of the San Miguel church in the neighborhood of Little Havana, also participated the Cuban opposition Rosa Maria Payá, daughter of the opposition Oswaldo Payá and director of the Latin American Youth Network for Democracy.

Payá told «Efra that with the purpose of this vigil» was «honoring» the victims of the «dictatorships» of these four countries.

«It is time to stop impunity with Castroism has been training and interfering in the internal affairs of other countries to repress in Venezuela, Nicaragua, of course in Cuba and in Bolivia,» he said.

Another part of the attendees, the Venezuelan, Nasby Barrera, explained «Efficiency of what was done today», in this act to ask for «mercy», for these countries, and «communism» and solidarity, the compatriots, who are «falling, the evil of the mercenaries». They govern «these nations.

The «World Vigil, all united by the victims of Nicaragua, Venezuela, Cuba and Bolivia,» led by the Un Mundo Sin Mordaza collective, was scheduled to be held in Mexico City, Buenos Aires, San Salvador, Guatemala City, New York, Miami, New Jersey, Geneva, Zurich, Madrid, Barcelona, ​​Berlin or Hamburg, among other cities.

At the Miami event the hymns of Cuba, Venezuela, Nicaragua were played and candles were then lit and the Virgin was seen interceding for the four Latin American countries.

Source: EFE